Thursday, July 24, 2008

Familial saga...continued

I was going to respond in the comment section to both million LOL, thanks for the support:) ...but I felt that because my last post was so short it may not have imparted the gravity of my brothers idiocy.

I've had my differences with my mother too, and even taken a break when I thought she was being insensitive. But we worked it out, we talk about our hurt feelings and we apologize to each other...and here's a thought... we ACCEPT that tho we may both be dense at times, we are not malicious and we (and this is the universal WE) deserve some compassion when we screw up.

In the case of my brother, HE started this (or more to the point...his wife started this) and now is estranged from the entire family (except the one brother who lives 1,000 miles away). Wife wrote a pissy note to my Mom when mom asked everyone to the birthday party for my brother, said she wanted OUT of the family because of the way they were being treated. Bro then wrote to say that his new bride had gone out of her way to be accepted into this family (was actually a better daughter than her own...ouch, that would be me - and my 2 sisters) and that we had done "nothing for her".....Huh???

She had been a part of our family, thru the ups and downs of their screwball courtship EVEN when they were broken up (which was every other week...they actually were quite entertaining) She was invited to weekly Sunday night dinners (even when he was away), Mom took her to lunch often, we gave her and her son (by another relationship) birthday and Christmas gifts, WE DID ACCEPT THEM (that's me yelling). And trust me....that acceptance did not come naturally. My brother has always been an outsider in our large, loving his own hand. He is a narcissistic, condescending, foul-mouthed buffoon who thinks nothing of telling us all what morons we are.

She is not much better, tho it took us a while to figure that out. But she is much more devious, can be charming one minute and stab you in the back the next. I actually think the estrangement was planned on her part, to separate us from them she wouldn't have anyone to contradict the lie she's been living since day one of their relationship and on into the marriage. SO many lies...she actually used to brag to me about all the little 'stories' she was telling my brother in order to get him to do something her way...including trying to get pregnant without him knowing. I figured she would have to cut me out, I knew too much, but was actually surprised when she went after my Mother. Mom has always been a bit niave when it comes to evil bitch and I figured she would be easy to manipulate. But maybe she knew we would all talk and it would be just too much trouble trying to keep all her stories straight.

I think she is the puppet master (I actually had the urge once to ask my brother if his wife could drink a glass of water while he was talking :) When he went to my mom about the money, she jumped at the chance to drive a wedge between Mother and son. I'm kind of surprised my bro was that easily manipulated but he is an adult and after 2 years....come on! Our entire family has been extremely patient (this blog is where I bitch and call them names) and we have continued to let them know that we just want to sit down and work this out like ADULTS. I've haven't been given the silent treatment since 5th grade and it was silly then.

If it wasn't for those pesky Menedez brothers, I think my bro would have a shot at Worst son on the Planet award.....tee hee.


Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, in my in-law family we tried the whole talk thing. Only problem is my MIL just wants to tell you why she's a saint and why you are wrong.

There have been professionals that have seen her in action and note her personality disorder, lol. She also kidnapped him from his bio-father when he was an infant and lied about it up until he was 29 years old. And STILL has not apologized for her actions and told him to get over it. (He found out he has 3 other siblings and his bio-father had been looking for him all that time but MIL changed my husband's name to hide him even more!)

My response was more in comment to C-MIL talking about how that is never appropriate. Which sprung up memories of my own twisted MIL.

just me said...

Oh, I get it...sorry I misunderstood and I think Constance 1m (correct me if I'm wrong here) might agree also, that there are definitely times when relatives deserve the heave-ho. I just guess I'd like to think that if we make a bit of an effort, TRY to be reasonable, things can be worked out....I'm dumb like that:)

And I certainly think that if your mother is in ill health, 77yr. old, and your problem is that she won't loan you money....suck it up and move on....she's not going to be around forever (and I guess I should mention that he used to have a fairly good relationship with my mom...before evil bitch entered the picture).

just me said...

ps. and BTW... EEEEK....your MIL sounds like she should be in JAIL!!!!

Anonymous said...

OH yeah, she is a piece of work. I get shit from people all the time who just don't realize how psycho she is because even *I* didn't believe it at first. I thought maybe I just misunderstood her, or something.

Nuts. I should copy and paste some of the crap she's pulled on my C3 blog but it just might be overkill.