Thursday, July 23, 2009

In which I whine more about family

Evil SIL posted a comment on my blog, after reading a blog post where I talked about my family dilemma. I did not name names, I did not go into anything she had done, just my own insecurities in dealing with this situation. She tore into me like I've never experienced, including my housekeeping skills (or lack of) my dirty children, money she loaned us (never happened) , my bad parenting (said we were responsible for our son being hit by a car - when he was thirteen and WEARING A HELMIT) and finally that we had stolen stuff from her parents home after they died.....WTF?!?!?!?

When I erased the comment she got mad, then she got mad because my 15yr. old daughter (her niece) saw it and was appalled enough to write to tell her to stay away from her. My SIL insists I showed it to her (lie) and called me an asshole for doing so.

I'm so frustrated and sad and disappointed and obsessing like an idiot......I know I need to just let it go.

The one absolute saving grace in all daughter has had her eyes opened to the evil that is her aunt. I'm sorry she had to find out the truth, but then again I'm relieved. I have felt so alone for so long (hubby is great but wrote his sister off years ago) and to have her stand up for me (she used to adore her aunt) was a gift from God....literally!


Anonymous said...

Some people are just lost causes. It's like nothing can be done at all.

just me said...

You know, I think I'm FINALLY coming to accept that. I told my DH last night that I guess I understand why countries go to war. As much as some of us will go to the ends of the earth to make peace there will always be those who seem to NEED to live in conflict. Sad.