Thursday, July 9, 2009

I'm back....

...but I'm not sure why. I guess my family has for the most part been quiet for almost a year and suddenly the monster that is my SIL rears her ugly head and I need to rant. I just can't understand the alternate reality that some people live in...and I'm using the term reality pretty loosely here. Their version of events is SO incredibly skewed as to resemble the truth about as much as a Oliver Stone movie. And no matter how many people tell her that she is wrong, she's sticking to her version like glue. Mostly because in her version she can do no wrong and I am the princess of darkness....sigh. I'm tired of the battle and frankly would just like to erase her from our lives.

You can't pick your relatives and you can't argue with crazy people. I'm having t-shirts made.


Anonymous said...

This is so distressing. I do sometimes wish for the ability to FIRE family members. Perhaps with ACTUAL FLAMES.

just me said...

...tee hee :)

thanks, I needed to laugh at this.